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Re: Emacs advice,what to install?


On Wed, 17 Apr 2002, Wendell Cochran wrote:

> [...] 
> Flaming vi vs emacs is for script kiddies.

There *are* arguments for Emacs:

- You don't have to think about which mode you are currently in, just hack
your stuff in there (something which is rather difficult with vi since you
need to be careful whether you are in command mode or in insert or
whatever mode).

- vi does not have its own programming language so it can't be customized
as much as emacs (ok, you can define new keyboards macros and syntax
highlighting in vi, but that's it). With Emacs, you can have specialized
development environments for Java (JDEE) and LaTeX (AucTeX, yaTeX), just
to mention a few.

The only *real* arguments against Emacs is that it uses a lot of memory
and that some of the keybindings may be a bit hard to get used to in the
beginning (under X, you can just conveniently use the menu to learn these 

So, there is no need to flame. I think it's justified to come up with good
arguments on a mailing list.



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