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Re: splitting an audio file

On Mon, 2002-04-15 at 12:16, Cheryl Homiak wrote:
> Hi.
> The file certainly would fit on the cdrom, but I thought I had to convert it to
> audio. Ok, if I want to play it as a regular audio cd I would have to convert

???  Ogg _is_ an audio format.  It's just not the raw, no-file-
system format.  

> it, right? But if I just want to play it from my cdrom, can I make a regular
> data cd and then play it using ogg123 or some such tool, just as I do on hard
> disk? It would make sense that i could do that and if I can't split it and make
> a regular audio cd out of it, that's a good option.
> thanks.

Compress your 90 minute WAV file with ogg, then burn it on to
a CD using the ISO9660 FS.  Then, any linux/*BSD or windows PC 
will be able to play it.  

If you want new CD/DVD players & MP3 players to work with the
disk, you will have to compress with MP3 insead.

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