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Re: Linux baltic fonts?

> I'd also like to be able to switch my keyboard between the
> American configuration and
> a configuration that would allow me to type these characters
> directly.

It is my understanding that Ctrl+Alt+K will allow you to switch 
between different keyboard layouts (if you are a KDE user).  Have 
you tried that?  

I am not familiar with the special characters you mentioned.  If 
your keyboard layout is different from QWERTY and includes the 
desired accents, you can try what I do with my Spanish-accented 
words:  for example. to type an [acute] accented 'e' I type 
<single-quote><e>.  I can only suggest that you try <accent><letter> 
combinations to see if they result in the desired special characters.

Addis Pérez

"... a la ciudad lejana no vuelvas nunca, nunca jamás..."

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