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Re: mail rules

On Thu, Apr 11, 2002 at 04:23:18PM -0700, ben wrote:
> so far:
>    1. no spam
>    2. text-only (no html, ms-tnef, etc.)
>     3. wrap text
>     4. reply to the list only, unless requested to cc:
>     5. attachments should be minimal and relevant to the topic
> additions, modifications?

<humor attempt="weak">

    6. indent properly

    7. spend more time answering questions from folks trying to use
       debian and less time arguing about crap.


Seriously ... there have been several posts in the last two days that
have gone unanswered, but no shortage of posts in this thread.

Coming up with a list of "rules" is a pointless exercise; you do not
possess the ability to enforce your rules, unless you are the

I do support people who desire that "netiquette" be observed on this
list, and that includes such things as good old-fashioned plain-text
emails, no spam, proper quoting, honor reply-to and m-f-t headers (or
simply respond only to the list is unsure), etc.

No offense intended to participants in the thread; let's get back to
real debian advocacy (the software), and dispense with faux advocacy
(railing against the evils of what happens when the masses meet


Nathan Norman - Micromuse Ltd.  mailto:nnorman@micromuse.com
Gil-galad was an Elven-king.            |  The Fellowship
Of him the harpers sadly sing:          |        of
the last whose realm was fair and free  |     the Ring
between the Mountains and the Sea.      |  J.R.R. Tolkien

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