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Re: mail retrieval-delivery-sorting

On 30 Mar 2002 18:36:07 +0000
"David H. Askew" <dhaskew@arches.uga.edu> wrote:

> ...
> list favorite) and from what I've read, very capable.  I'm considering
> the following setup... using fetchmail to get my imap and pop3 email,
> which will forward email to smtp(exim here), and use procmail rules to
> filter the email.
> ...
> smart enough to read the docs... just curious up front about the
> interconnectivity of the programs... do I have the basics, of how the
> 4 programs interact, down...

That's EXACTLY what I've done a couple of months ago, when I got fed up
of the "integrated" way Mozilla handled my email.

My choice of components was:

1) fetchmail for retrieving email from all my ISPs for all users in my

2) sendmail as the MTA;

3) procmail for the delivery of email into mh-style mailboxes in the
users' home directory (could be other mailbox formats);

4) sylpheed for gui mail reading (wife cannot handle command-line),
configured ONLY for local folder checking (no need for IMAP, POP3, unix
spool file, ...).

And the chain goes like this:
ISP -> fetchmail -> sendmail -> procmail -> sylpheed -> sendmail -> ISP
or directly

This email chain is working like a charm, took me a few days to set up
('cause I had to learn all about each of the components), and the best
of it is I can substitute any part just by dropping a replacement (exim
for sendmail, mutt for sylpheed, etc). It's also easy to add a new
component (say, a dedicated spam filter), just decide where in the chain
it would fit the best.

After years of Outlook Express and the likes, I would say this is more
than the best way to go, it's the only way to go if you value control
over your own email.

Carlos Sousa

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