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exim: sending to intranet recipients

I have mail delivered via a smarthost (mail.com).  I have a couple of 
people aliases through this account.  There is only one email address:

lance@mail.com but the account also recognizes robert.last@mail.com and kathy.last@mail.com (as aliases).

I use procmail to filter these people into a Cyrus imap account.  The user accounts I have
setup in linux are for robert instead of robert.last and kathy instead of kathy.last.  I am not
certain is this has any bearing or not?

My problem is that if I try to send an email to robert.lawson@mail.com I get an error message

2002-03-25 15:55:44 16pWoy-0000KE-00 ** robert.lawson@mail.com: unknown local-part "robert.lawson" in domain "mail.com"

What do I have setup wrong, or, what do I need to setup so that we can send mail to each other?  It seems like
this message is telling me that robert.lawson is not valid on mail.com but robert.lawson receives email from the internet.
He is unable to receive mail from me, internally.


                                Lance Hoffmeyer

 I see you, and you see me.  I experience you,and you experience me.  I see you
behavior.  You see my behavior.  But I do not and never have and never will see
  your experience of me.  Just as you cannot "see" my expereience of you.  My
 experience of you is not "inside" me.  It is simply you, as I experience you.
  And I do not experience you as inside me.  Similarily, I take it that you do
                        not experience me as inside you.
                                   R.D. Laing

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