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Re: High powered Debian advocacy?

* Gustavo Noronha Silva (kov@debian.org) spake thusly:
> On Tue, 19 Mar 2002 10:33:10 -0600
> Dimitri Maziuk <dmaziuk@yola.bmrb.wisc.edu> wrote:
> > Why do you want to advocate running a beta OS on production systems?
> > You want your sysadmin to hate you?
> what beta OS did he mention?

I'll repeat this on-list: stable is way too old for most real-life
uses, esp. as workstation. Testing is what commonly referred to as
"beta". So, Debian is beta until Woody gets released (if ever).

No, it doesn't matter that Debian testing is more stable than others'
releases[0]. What matters is that when things go wrong, management
will come to him and ask why he persuaded everyone to install a beta
OS when they were happily using SuSE/RH before without any problems
(which isn't necessarily true, but that's what they'll say).

[0] I could argue about that, too: why does my KDE (woody) crash 
every time I try to log out, while my co-worker's KDE (seawolf) does
not (on identical hardware), for one example? Maybe it's because I
spent much more time setting it up than he did?

You think Oedipus had a problem -- Adam was Eve's mother.            -- fortune

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