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Re: making my own dist. ? ?

And I heard Adam craig exclaim:
> My idea was to update the first server direct from the internet,
> test, then (apt-move get/move) update the 2 other servers from
> the first server. So how can I disable any updates relating to php4 ?

There is a way to put a hold on a package (which someone else will
probably tell you, I'm not really sure what it is). But we do a similar
thing to what you're describing here, and what we do is use dpkg with
the -R option (see the man page for dpkg for more on this) to install
all of the .deb files in a directory.  This won't go out to the network
or wherever and get other stuff--like more recent versions of files
(although if some of the .deb's you're trying to install are missing
dependencies, it might choke on them).

Anyway, HTH.

  --Daniel F. T.

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