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Re: Incorporating testing or unstable

Thanks Tim.

On Fri, 8 Mar 2002 22:21:19 -0600, Timothy R. Butler wrote:

>> Can anyone tell me the process by which I might incorporate
>> specific- instances of testing packages but on the whole 
>> at stable.
>  First, create an /etc/apt/preferences file, and put 
something like this in 
>Package: *
>Pin: release a=stable
>Pin-Priority: 900
>Package: *
>Pin: release o=testing
>Pin-Priority: 500
>Package: *
>Pin: release o=unstable
>Pin-Priority: 1
>  Now, once you put that in there, add a testing and/or 
unstable mirror to 
>your sources.list file. By doing this, apt-get should default 
to stable, then 
>to testing, then finally to unstable.
>  To grab something from a specific version - say unstable - 
you can do this:
>  apt-get install -t unstable [packagename]
>  -Tim

Craig Sampson

Professional Systems Integration Pty Ltd

Email: craig@psi-aus.com
Phone: (08) 9444 5587
Fax  : (08) 9444 5175

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