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Re: lite applications

on Fri, Mar 08, 2002, Nicholas Imfeld (orion28@drexel.edu) wrote:
> I have set up an old 486 laptop with debian.  I am looking for an x
> email client (preferably graphical as opposed to test based) and a web
> browser that don't require a lot of space, memory, etc.  

I'd ***STRONGLY*** encourage you to stick with the text alternatives,
unless you're using the 486 _just_ as an X11 terminal, you might be able
to run more advanced apps on it.  Otherwise, I'd stick with mutt, w3m,
lynx, and similar text-mode apps.

If X is an absolute requirement, look to BrowseX as a browser.  It's
Tk/Tcl based and pretty light.  Nothing else I'm aware of comes close.
Dillo's small of itself, but the gtk requirements are large.


Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>    http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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