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Re: apt-get build-deps <package> or -b switch

>>"Harry" == Harry Putnam <reader@newsguy.com> writes:

 Harry> I've written hundreds, probably thousands of lines of reports
 Harry> complaints etc.  Received piles of helpful replies.  And still no
 Harry> stable sytem in working order. 

	I'm sorry to hear that. You certainly have given it a good,
 solid try, and I wish the install had worked for you.  If ever I am
 in the same area of the country, I'll come spend an afternoon and set
 up a machine for you (if, that is, I ever get over the prospect of
 pushing up daisies ;-)

 The man she had was kind and clean And well enough for every day, But
 oh, dear friends, you should have seen The one that got away. Dorothy
 Parker, "The Fisherwoman"
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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