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Re: resource for woody freeze status?


On Thu, Feb 28, 2002 at 09:29:59PM +0100, Oliver Doepner wrote:

> i just want to know what's going on and understand what the problems
> and/or current steps are. a webpage with a dynamically generated list of
> rc-bugs and some explaination on how to proceed and what is most urgent to
> be done would probably help even the non-hacking users and contributors. 
> it's mainly a question of transpareny i think.

A running list of RC bugs can be found at <http://bugs.debian.net/>.  A 
graph of the freeze progress (in terms of remaining RC bugs) can be seen 
at <http://bugs.debian.org/release-critical/>.

> i've heard of a theory that there are many debian developers who get
> along rather nicely using and tweaking woody or sid for their own needs   
> and "probably" have no big incentive to work on woody>stable.
> i cannot really believe this: it sounded a bit harsh and was spread by
> someone who is no debian developer himself. but then i read that adrian
> bunk - someone who most of you surely know - wrote in a mail some weeks
> ago that "It seems noone really cares to get woody released.":

There are some of us who care a good deal.  I'm sorry that Adrian was 
driven to leaving by his frustration with the process, but we have made 
a good deal of progress since January as the above-mentioned links show.  
The freeze is continuing, as a recent announcement from the Release 
Manager reminds us, and right now there's no reason to think that Woody
can't still be released this spring.

Follow-ups directed to debian-devel; discussions of release mechanics 
and timetables are inherently development topics.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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