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Re: Few Questions From a New Debian User

> 1. What is the user base targeted?  Is it simply geared towards the
> home-user looking for a free OS?  Or is it geared more towards the
> power-user?

  Definately more power user oriented. While my opinion may not be popular on 
here, I would probably recommend going with Mandrake Linux 8.1 unless you 
have a reasonable amount of prior Linux knowledge - or you throughly enjoy 
reading documentation. :-) You can find my recent review of MDK 8.1 and 8.2 
at http://www.ofb.biz/article.php?sid=75 .
  Don't get me wrong, I actually just switched to Debian myself, but I've 
been using all varieties of Linux for four years and still had a hard time 
getting everything going (A year with RedHat, two and a half with SuSE, and a 
half a year with Mandrake, along with dabbling around with Caldera a bit).

> 2. Where is Debian located?  I understand there are over 800 distrubuters
> nationwide that communicate via e-mail and message boards.  But is there a
> specific "home" to debian?

  IIRC the Project founder is in the United States, but other than that, I 
don't think there is a centralized headquarters for Debian.

> 3. What is the latest Kernel version?

  Woody comes with 2.2.19, IIRC, but I almost immediately used apt-get to get 

> 4. What is the default desktop?  and what others are included?

  GNOME (unfortunately), but you can get pretty much any window manager or 
desktop in existance. I'd recommend apt-get'ing KDE as soon as you install 
Debian (KDE is the most popular Linux desktop environment, and also the one 
preferred by every other major distro, save RedHat). It's also Linus 
Torvald's choice of desktop. ;-)

> 5. What, if any, office suites are included?

  KOffice is included, and so is AbiWord. If you can still find it, I'd 
recommend downloading WordPerfect 8 PE, or another good choice would be to 
get OpenOffice (www.openoffice.org), which is shaping up to be a nice suite.


Timothy R. Butler                    tbutler@uninetsolutions.com 
Universal  Networks                       http://www.uninet.info        
Christian Portal and Search Tool:       http://www.faithtree.com
Open Source Migration Guide:                  http://www.ofb.biz
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