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Re: NFS behind a firewall

I think there are now TCP options for NFS?

Ron Johnson wrote:
On Tue, 19 Feb 2002 21:15:02 -0800 (PST) "nate" <debian-user@aphroland.org> wrote:

<quote who="Ron Johnson">


i agree with you though, scp would be best, that or rsync over

Great idea.  Minimize the bandwidth.

either that or use some sort of VPN software(i use vtund on
a bunch of systems, works great).

Also a "legal" idea, but my original proposition that NFS is built
for LANs not WANs (note the use of UDP).

rsync tunneled thru ssh would give you the best security and would
minimize bandwidth, while giving fast access once it's on the local disk...

	Spam : def: It's not kosher.

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