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Re: apt-get and 'deb file:\'

* Tom Schuetz (schuetz@mind.net) [020211 08:19]:
> I used to have debian 2.2 installed on one box, and at that time I was
> able to 'apt-get install foo.deb', where 'foo.deb' was   any file I'd
> just put into my working directory. The directory didn't was never
> mentioned in 'sources.list'. 

As others have said, try using dpkg to install individual .deb files. If
you would like apt to know about a local repository (like you have many,
many .debs that you'd like to be able to manage via dselect or apt) look
into dpkg-scanpackages. I've set this up without difficulty; feel free
to ask if you need more help.

good times,

(P.S. Please wrap at column 72 in the future.)

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