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apt-get = kill system ??

this is REALLY weird.

i have a script that runs from a special server and does

ssh $server "apt-get -qq update ; apt-get -d -y -q -u upgrade"
(as user root)

i aborted the script during the process and it seems
to have killed 3 of my servers! i don't get
why the above command could kill them(no longer responding
to pings). 2 more servers were close to death but recovered
on their own after a few minutes.

ive been using debian for years and apt for a couple
years and have never had apt cause problems.. all of
the servers are rock solid, 200+ day uptimes, never

i mean, i told apt-get specifically NOT to install any
updates via the -d option ..what could possibly kill
the connection? guess im going into the office now
to hook a console up to them to see whats wrong.



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