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Re: ReiserFS, ext3 (was: 'praise to the debian gods')

>>>>> "Emil" == Emil Pedersen <emilp@update.uu.se> writes:

    Emil> MH wrote:
    >>  >>>>> "Craig" == Craig Dickson <crdic@yahoo.com> writes:
    Craig> But quite stable at this point. I've been running ext3 on
    Craig> all my fs's for several months, and have never seen a
    Craig> problem that resulted from ext3 itself.
    >> *My* experience
    >> Ext3 nearly toasted my ide-hd and "tidied up" about every
    >> second directory on the /var partition on a __smp__ machine ...

    Emil> Would you please explain this?  "toasted my ide-hd" sounds
    Emil> to me like it physically damaged your drive, and that it
    Emil> would not have done this if the drive had been scsi.  To me
    Emil> that's silly at best, so I assume that was not what you
    Emil> ment.

1) Normally I know what I mean, and I'm trying to express myself
   (though English isn't my native language as it isn't yours) ...

So mind your wording, thanks.

2) Physically (intermittently) non-functional is a correct term for
   what happened. The hd (and it was a ide-drive and it's perfectly
   possible that this is of some importance for the failure) hung like a
   record player would hang if it hangs. No chance to enter with fsck
   as the hd would enter in the same ill-tempered-record-player-state.
   I was going to buy a new hd, but since it was Sunday I reformatted
   the partition and gave reiser a shot. This was 2 months ago.

So, as you noted this is not a kind of fs-flamewar, because I want a
fs's existence to pass unnoticed...

And  I'm not calling you silly, because I don't like to call people
silly even if they meet this condition, but I don't know you...   



(Dr.) Michael Hummel
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