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Re: Where are the debian files for compiling from source?

On 29 Jan 2002, Andre Berger wrote:

> Here's what I've done to compile Vim 6.0.152 for potato as .deb:
> -   download tarball and patches from ftp.vim.org, untar and apply
>     the patches
> -   rename the directory to vim-6.0 and cd into it
> -   $ deb-make
>     (single binary)
> -   edit debian/rules, line 8 (here's mine, YMMV):
> 	./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --enable-cscope \
>     --enable-multibyte --enable-fontset --enable-gui
>    (one line)
> -   $ dpkg-buildpackage -b -rfakeroot
> I hope this helps, even doesn't exactly answer your question.
> At least you will get a .deb package to install...
> -Andre

Thanks; working now with the vim-gtk package. as suggested by
Goedson Teixeir.


Anthony Campbell - running Linux GNU/Debian (Windows-free zone)
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