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burning debian CDs

Hi all,

     I just tried my first couple of cd burning 
experiments.  The music and photo ones went well, but 
my copy of deb 2.2r3 seems to not be entirely correct.

     all the file names are truncated (8.3) and in
The shortened names correspond to the abbreviated 
names in the file TRANS.TBL.  I am guessing that the 
CD is missing the rockridge extensions.  Is there any
way around this or do I have to make a new CD ?  
With these untranslated 8.3 filenames, I don't seem to
be able to do an install.

     I don't know much about burning CDs, so details 
be helpful in any proposed solutions.  I have been 
using Toaster on an imac, cause I have neither a fast 
connection to the 'Net nor a burner.  I suspect that 
Toaster doesn't do 'Nix filename extensions.  I had 
choice of mac CDs, pc CDs or hybrids with or without
extensions.  There was nothing to indicate if the 
extensions were rockridge or joliette.

     Anyone know if I can salvage this CD or how best
to go about making a new one ?


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