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What's the best way to pull a package from unstable to a Woody system?

I want a method that will not cause apt to get confused about this and
other sw once I install the Sid package.

Specifically:  I have kghostview installed on the woody system.  That 
sw has a malfunction, and from the bug report info on kghostview I see that
Sid has a newer package that might fix the problem.

So, how do I get that Sid kghostview on properly, without confusing apt?

Also, where (if anywhere) is the appropriate doc that I could have read
that explains this concept?

Thank you!

PS: I know there is something about "pinning", but right now I want
to have (if possible) a less involved way of accomplishing this task.
So, is there a way to do it without pinning?


I was unable to get kghostview to open a file.

I then saw on:

Grave functionality bugs - resolved (A list of all such bugs used to be

#122050: kghostview: cannot open ps/pdf (SIGSEGV)
Package: kghostview; Severity: grave; Reported by: "Raphael Derosso
Pereira - DephiNit" <dephinit@softhome.net>; Done: "Ivan E. Moore II"

which looked similar to my error.


had a resolution comment from Ivan saying:
2.2.2 works

We see in

Debian package search results
Package (size)
 kghostview 4:2.1.1-6   (121.6k)
PostScript viewer for KDE.

 kghostview 4:2.2.2-6   (160.9k)
PostScript viewer for KDE.
 Responses 1-2 shown, out of total of 2.

So, what's the method to get that 4:2.2.2-6 installed on my Woody system?

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