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Re: package information (incoming and NMU)

On Sun, Jan 27, 2002 at 11:45:33PM -0500, dman wrote:
> Today I wanted to look for (new version of) a package that apt-cache
> policy said didn't exist, but I had reason to believe it did.  I
> wanted to look at "incoming"[1].  I think "incoming" is
> http://incoming.debian.org, but I didn't see the package there this
> morning.  Is this the correct place to look?  (apt-cache shows the
> package in sid now and I see it in incoming too)  

http://incoming.debian.org/ is correct. Be careful always to check the
GPG signature and MD5sums in the .changes and .dsc files before
installing packages from there, though, as incoming is world-writeable
and the point when it's checked that packages come from a Debian
developer is when they're moved out of incoming.

> The other thing I want to know is who uploaded the package.  I'm just
> curious as to whether it was the maintainer or if it was an NMU[2].

The GPG signature will tell you that. Also, NMUs should have a Debian
revision containing a decimal point (e.g. 1.2.0-1.1).

> [1] my understanding is that "incoming" is where uploads take place,
>     then some scripts move them to sid (and eventually woody) periodically

That's right.

Colin Watson                                  [cjwatson@flatline.org.uk]

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