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RE: bind weirdness

Cool.  I see a lot of these too 

ns_forw: query(maxamp.com) All possible A RR's lame
sysquery: query(mailhub.ynot-us.com) All possible A RR's lame

but I did nslookups on a few and they don't exist.

I was going to point something else out but too many distractions from
users and now I forgot.  Anyways, thanks for the reply.  Justin  

-----Original Message-----
From: nate [mailto:debian-user@aphroland.org] 
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 11:34 AM
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: Re: bind weirdness

<quote who="justin cunningham">

> I looked this up as well but found nothing on it.  Anyone see this
> before in syslog?  If so what did you come up with as the cause?

the first one i recieve often, i figure it is just a broken
nameserver on the other side(have not ever heard any complaints),
the 2nd one, running a quick search came up with:

"The message means that it's sending queries to one address, but the
reply is coming from a different address.  Normally this means that
you sent to a multi-homed server running an old version of BIND, which
doesn't set the source address of a response to the destination of the
corresponding query."

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