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Re: what is this? (sshd messages in log)

On Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 08:56:31PM -0800, Eric G. Miller wrote:

[Eric Miller]
| I dunno, but sounds like the crc32 exploit.

[Andrew Agno]
| I believe that those are scans for some sshd hole.  Not too sure
| which one, but I assume yours doesn't have it if you got the log
| message.

Sounds like a reasonable explanation to me, and glad I'm not
vulnerable :-).

[john <johnpf@atnet.net.au>]
| Rerun the nmap as root - you'll get a lot more output. The netbios
| ports are blocked at a firewall/router you are not seeing their
| state on the target.

I ran nmap as root.  The only difference was I needed to add '-P0' to
get any results, otherwise the results were the same.  (I didn't try
udp yet)

[Eric Miller]
| It might be worth contacting choiceone.net with a log snippet.

I think I'll do that, though I posted the entire relevant portion of
the log.  I don't have any additional information.

| Do you know what's on port 5631?

According to nmap it's PCAnyWhere (a windows program from symantec to
allow remote access).

I know nothing of the protocol, but thought I'd telnet to it anyways :

$ telnet 5631
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
Please press <Enter>...

Connection closed by foreign host.

(I did press enter when requested)  It didn't take long for the output
to appear.


He who spares the rod hates his son,
but he who loves him is careful to discipline him.
        Proverbs 13:24

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