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Re: apt-move & apt-proxy: a mini-HOWTO?

On Mon, Jan 21, 2002 at 05:53:24PM -0600, Ron Johnson wrote:
> Is there such a thing?  I'm having some troubles knowing which
> directory/directories are important if I want to share .debs
> across a small LAN.

Not at the moment.  I've only just begun to get apt-proxy up to date, and
the manpages especially are not 100% acurate.

/usr/share/doc/apt-proxy/README contains the most up to date installation
instructions.  If you have suggestions for improvements, I'd be grateful for
wishlist bugs explaining what could be improved.  Patches/updates get
integrated even quicker :-)

> Is apt-move's LOCALDIR supposed to be the same as apt-proxy's

Yes, they are roughly the same thing, i.e. the toplevel directory for the

> Also, what about apt-move's FILECACHE, which
> is where .debs are put by apt-get.

apt-move takes files that apt has already downloaded to the hard disk and
moves them into a cache directory, so it needs to know where apt downloaded
them to - that's FILECACHE.  apt-proxy downloads the files itself from the
archive, and then passes them on to apt.  So it doesn't need to know what
apt did with them.  Flow of files:

  archive --(http or ftp)--> apt --(filesystem)--> apt-move

  archive --(rsync)--> apt-proxy --(http)--> apt

> Also, it seems that when using apt-proxy, you don't need any
> other sites in sources.list except http://MYSERVER:9999.  But,
> apt-move.conf has APTSITES.

That's right that apt doesn't need to know where the mirror is when using
apt-proxy, which is useful when running apt-proxy for a number of machines,
because if you need to change which mirror you use, you only have to modify
it in /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy.conf on one machine.

Actually, you probably do need more than one line in your sources.list - one
per distribution name and per add_backend line in apt-proxy.conf.  For
example, when using main and non-US for woody and sid:

deb http://MYSERVER:9999/main woody main contrib non-free
deb http://MYSERVER:9999/non-US woody/non-US main contrib non-free
deb http://MYSERVER:9999/main sid main contrib non-free
deb http://MYSERVER:9999/non-US sid/non-US main contrib non-free

deb-src http://MYSERVER:9999/main sid main contrib non-free
deb-src http://MYSERVER:9999/non-US sid/non-US main contrib non-free


Chris Halls | Frankfurt, Germany

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