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Re: xterm and the backspace key, the saga continues.

Quoting crispin@iinet.net.au (crispin@iinet.net.au):

> > xterm-color
> mines 'xterm'. You could try 
> export TERM=xterm

Doesn't help :(

> Try showkey -s
> then press delete and see what is dumped out. Post that back.

Hmm... When I trun showkey -s in my xterm I get:

[13:09] [ssmeenk@espresso:~] % showkey -s
Couldnt get a file descriptor referring to the console
zsh: 723 exit 1     showkey -s

An strace shows that I don't have permission to open /dev/tty0 and
/dev/console, and that an ioctl() on /dev/tty failed. When I run
showkey -s on the console everything works, but on console my backspace
and delete keys work like they should.. It is in xterms where they stop

> the command dumpkeys might also help. Send the entry for delete
> dumpkeys | grep -i del

Same story here:

[13:12] [ssmeenk@espresso:~] % dumpkeys | grep del
Couldnt get a file descriptor referring to the console
zsh: 743 exit 71    dumpkeys | 
zsh: 744 exit 1     grep del

And this

crw-rw-rw-    1 root     tty        5,   0 Jan 10 13:09 /dev/tty
crw-------    1 root     root       4,   0 Nov 28 13:45 /dev/tty0
crw-------    1 root     tty        5,   1 Jan 10 11:16 /dev/console

seems normal.

> I have a book on all of this, but its at home. Ill bring it in to work
> tomorrow and if you haven't had any other answers, Ill see if that can
> help

I really appreciate your help so far!


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