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template parse error in /usr/lib/perl5/Debian/DebConf/Template.pm

I'm trying to move from Debian potato to woody.  At configuration time I
get the following error:

'Template parse error near "" at
/usr/lib/perl5/Debian/DebConf/Template.pm line 102, <TEMPLATES> chunk2.'

The first time I got the error I assumed I had some sort of download
problem because the line had been dropping a lot so I cleared the apt
cache and did the download again. 

I've gotten the error consistently now for three downloads. I live in a
rural area and my ISP and telephone service can be flakey so I usually
give things a few tries before I assume it is a real problem.

Though the screen message says an attempt will be made to configure the
other packages the system stops immediately with an error:

"installation script returned error exit status 100"

Does this ring a bell with anyone? Is this a case where apt-get
--fix-broken or apt-get --fix-missing would help? My gut feeling was
that it wouldn't because it would just download the same file again.

I thought I might be out of disk space but I have 1Gig available free
space which I would think is enough.



Eric Brooks				    eric@dimension11.net

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