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References, please: /dev/sequencer and Ensoniq 1371

I'm at my wit's end here.  I have a 'testing' system that's got an
Ensoniq 1371 sound card in it.  I recompiled the kernel after I got the
card, and sound in general (xmms, sound effects in Doom, etc.) has been 
working fine for months.  However, /dev/sequencer doesn't seem to work.

A long dig through the archives at Google has netted me not much in the
way of useful information.  It appears that this particular Ensoniq model
doesn't support MIDI in hardware, and that's the root of my problem.

I've read through the Linux Sound HOWTO and about 20 other documents, but
I can't find one that says conclusively whether there's a way to get 
/dev/sequencer working with this card (or any card that doesn't have a 
hardware-based MIDI capability).  Is there a way to get /dev/sequencer 
support through some sort of software MIDI emulation, or am I out of luck?

Any pointers to references would be appreciated. I don't mind RTFM, if I
can find it. ;-)

Thanks, and please CC me on responses.


Kenneth J. Pronovici <pronovic@ieee.org>
Personal Homepage: http://www.skyjammer.com/~pronovic/
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little 
 temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." 
      - Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759 

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