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Re: Ext3fs and fsck

In article <[🔎] 0wypG.A.qrC.DIo-7@murphy>,
Paolo Falcone <fallenlordx@edsamail.com.ph> wrote:
>ok... I've done remounting root as read-only compared to deleting the 
>journal. It's much easier to delete the .journal file (since you
>can have it reinstalled with the tune2fs command) but it's quite

Deleting the .journal file on a mounted ext3 filesystem could
easily corrupt the entire filesystem. Don't do it.

It's only safe to delete a .journal file if you mounted it as
ext2. Then do not forget to turn off the ext3 flag with tune2fs
because otherwise the kernel might try to mount it as ext3 and
get very confused because there is no journal there.

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity,
 and I'm not sure about the former" -- Albert Einstein.

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