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Re: Ext3fs and fsck

Paolo Falcone <fallenlordx@edsamail.com.ph> writes:

>>> The second one is to tweak your ext3fs partition. issue:
>>>     tune2fs -c0 -i0 /dev/hdb1
>>Bad idea.  From the tune2fs man page

> Well, I'm fully aware of that. 

Apparently not.

> Generally, I'll agree that ommitting the fs checks is quite a bad
> idea if you aren't using journalling (who'll want a maximum file
> when you're using gigabytes of hard disk space? that's way too
> slow and terse. When you have a better alternative of just replaying
> the journal to the last correct commit to disk?)

You don't understand how things work.

You can replay the journal.  That helps you if the filesystem is
unclean because the system crashed.  It doesn't help you _at all_ if
the filesystem was silently corrupted because of a bad cable, or
because the drive is going bad, or because of a bug in your kernel, or
any other of a number of causes.  

The maximal mount count forced fsck is intended to find these problems
before the filesystem is so corrupted that they're found during run
time, by which time data loss has occured, and the journal can do
nothing about it.

Doing an extra fsck every month or two is not a bad thing.  Even with
per-mount interval and time-based interval checking enabled, most
mounts will simply replay the journal.

> Note that what I recommended is not an excuse for one not to do
> the maximum file system check, to make it all clear. Just transferred
> the responsibility of doing the task from the machine to the
> system administrator (which is part of his job anyway)

I bet you recommend that sysadmins turn off cron and do everything by
hand, too.

What you do on your own machine is your own business, but I think it
inappropriate to recommend to others that they drive without their
safety belts fastened.  The ext3 maintainers agree.

> I'm referring to the frequent checking with the maximum mount counts.

So change the interval, don't get rid of it.  And don't reboot so
often.  8^)

Alan Shutko <ats@acm.org> - In a variety of flavors!
"I am Elmyra of Borg. We will hug you and squeeze you and love you..."

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