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Re: Unable to configure index_format in Mutt

On Sun, Nov 18, 2001 at 05:10:29PM -0500, Ian Patrick Thomas wrote:
> 	I have tried unsuccessfully to change index_format in Mutt.  The problem is that I am
> unable to put spaces between the different options.  For example
> folder-hook in-l-debian-user set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b%d} %-15.15n %(41)%s"

Well, your %(41)%s construct isn't right.  Perhaps you meant %(4l)%s ?

Note that the first one is "four-one", the second is

Sounds like a display font-ism to me.

My preferred index setting is:

# I have no idea why people think %L is a useful thing to have in the index
# header... in a normal mailbox it works, but in a list mailbox all it
# tells you is that the mail is from the list, and I'm sorry, but you
# already know that.  After all, isn't that why the mail is in the list
# mailbox in the first place? I want to know who *sent* it.
# index header format:
# %4C           == current message number
# %Z            == message status
# %{%b %d %R}   == date and time (sender)
# %-15.15L      == list-from
# -or-
# %-15.15F      == author name, or recipient name if the message yours
# (%4l)         == number of lines
# %s            == subject of message
set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15F (%4l) %s"

> I get an error when I try and use this as a string.  If I remove the
> spaces, the error goes away but at the cost of the index being much
> harder to read.  I've even tried using the default setting, but the same
> errors appear unless I remove the spaces.

I'm surprised that removing the spaces makes the errors go away.  If I had
to guess... do you have two different index_format specifications in your
.muttrc and you uncomment one or the other?  The one you want to use
wouldn't work whether there were spaces in it or not.

Marc Wilson

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