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Re: docs on upgrading potato -> woody

On Sun, Oct 28, 2001 at 11:15:24AM +0100, Eric Smith wrote:
> looked around on debian.org and found nothing.
> Please supply pointer to documentation on (safe(er)) ways of upgrading.

Since woody hasn't been released yet, it isn't really possible to keep
such documentation up to date with the current state of the
distribution. Have a look at the documentation in the potato release
notes about upgrading from slink and do something similar to that.
Release notes for woody are being prepared, but aren't ready yet.

Off-the-cuff, here are some gotchas you might run into:

  * It's wise to upgrade the packaging system (dpkg, apt, perhaps
    debconf) first.

  * You might run into problems if the packaging system picks the wrong
    order in which to upgrade libc6, libdb2, and perl. Install those
    three packages manually if you run into problems.

  * Use 'dselect update', not 'apt-get update'. This will get you around
    a bug in dpkg that's currently causing problems, although I'm not
    sure if it hits people upgrading from potato.

  * You'll be upgrading from XFree86 3 to XFree86 4. Prepare to spend
    some time getting this right.

  * There might be some packages that were in potato but aren't in
    woody. Sometimes they've been removed for one reason or another, and
    sometimes they just haven't made it from unstable into testing yet.
    See http://ftp-master.debian.org/testing/ if you want to dredge
    through the full details on the latter.

Colin Watson                                  [cjwatson@flatline.org.uk]

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