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Re: Mozilla on woody.

On Mon, Oct 15, 2001 at 03:23:48PM -0400, Thomas Hallaran wrote:
> Anyone know the best place to ged debs for Mozilla 9.5/woody.
> I have only been able to find 9.3 kicking around.
> The Mozilla in sid appears to be 9.4 so I am not holding my breath.
> Anybody sitting on unoficial apt sources for mozilla 9.5?

i was about to ask that.. well not exactly, rather: does anyone know why
mozilla in woody isn't linked to the pool (i.e., basically, sid): the
latest mozilla packages (i'm manually downloading the debs for 0.9.5
right now) are in the pool on the non-us servers.. but why does woody
still have what? m18 or something? and not the latest from the pool like
the XFree packages that come from there as well.. any special top secret
reasons for that?? seems to come up here every time a new version gets
released so i'm just wondering..


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