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CUPS: lp: unable to print file: client-error-not-found

I'm printing to a HP 2100 printer. As root this works:

root@maroonprinter:~$ lp -d hp2100 -o raw smbprn.yncNA0

As a user however I get this:

life@maroonprinter:~$ lp -d hp2100 -o raw smbprn.yncNA0
lp: unable to print file: client-error-not-found

The user belongs to groups lp and lpadmin for good measure, but it still
doesn't work. 

Anyone that can help me with this? I found in the list archives that
this happened to somebody after upgrading from woody to unstable. And
I'm running unstable.

Danie Roux *shuffle* Adore Unix

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