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Re: Dillo (Web-Browser Recommendation)

>>>>> "Karsten" == Karsten M Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com> writes:

    Karsten> on Sun, Oct 14, 2001 at 08:53:33PM +0200, "Jürgen
    Karsten> A. Erhard" (jae@jerhard.org) wrote:

    >> It doesn't do frames, or SSL, or fancy layouting (doesn't know
    >> <center> or <align left> and all that).

    Karsten> ...or cut'n'paste, though this is being worked on.

Oh, yes, forgot about that... even though I tried it a couple times

    >> But it's *sooo* fast... unbelievable.

    >> For quick checks with graphics (so links is out) it's wonderful
    >> (like looking at my webalizer stats... ;-)

    Karsten> I agree that it's a useful "quick-shot" browser, and it
    Karsten> definitely fills a niche.  With c'n'p, frames, SSL, and
    Karsten> cookies, it's ready for a full-featured replacement on
    Karsten> small/old boxen.

I'm not sure I want all that fancy stuff... not if it makes it too
bulky.  Okay, c'n'p is a must.  Frames would be nice.  SSL and
cookies?  Not really that important.  I mean, there *are* already
browsers that do all that.

Make it lightweight, and if necessary to achieve that, less
featureful.  But small footprint is important.  (At least until I get
myself a bigger notebook ;-)

    Karsten> Peace.

We all wish for that...  :-|

Bye, J

      Jürgen A. Erhard  (juergen.erhard@gmx.net, jae@users.sf.net)
                     MARS: http://mars.jerhard.org
                   "We must learn from our mistakes,
       so we can make bigger and better ones." -- Bruce M Krawetz

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