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Re: dead/slow mirrors?

On Thu, Oct 11, 2001 at 02:32:20PM -0700, Jeffrey W. Baker wrote:
> What does it take to setup a mirror?  I have largely idle bandwidth in an
> abovenet colo that would be fine for a debian mirror.

Not long, as Debian provides most of the scripts that you need in order
to set it up.  Right now it takes over 30 gigs of disk space, however it
is been growing quite a bit lately due to new architectures and stuff.
I expect it to really get big once crypto is moved to main.

The problem is, there are plenty of mirrors out there, and most of them
are just fine when it comes to being up to date.  I'm not sure there's a
need for more mirrors at all at this point; the problem is that many
primary mirrors are broken.

Twice I offered my mirror, debian.lcs.mit.edu, as a primary mirror, and
twice I was told basically "thanks, but we don't need another primary
mirror".  As a result, my mirror, which is a brand new GHz PIII with a
gig of RAM, fat pipes, and much RAID storage, goes largely unused
outside the local community (for which it is complete overkill).

Setting up a mirror is fine, but based on my experiences it's not likely
to get much use.


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