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Re: Takin' the plunge...

* P Kirk <patrick@enterprise-hr.com> [2001.10.09 16:05:56+0100]:
> In my case, I used a few distros, found that I was nowhere near the
> level of expertise where any distro would be a limitation and chose
> Debian because I like the idea of a volunteer community with its
> free software commitment and its constitution.  I hope you like it
> too.

also, i like using Linux, and not some sort of imposed sickness of GUI
warfare imposed on you by SuSE or RedHat. Debian has standards, the
others don't. If not Debian, the only two other distros IMHO which are
worth considering are Mandrake (based on RedHat but significantly
better), and Slackware. The latter and Debian are probably the best
ones out there, but I found support for Debian to be vastly better.

i'd say: stick with it: Debian. we won't let you down!

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; net@madduck
"god is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh."
                                                           -- voltaire

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