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Re: DBI & XML:putting it all together

Also check out the "XML and Perl" (or maybe it's the other way round)
column on http://www.xml.com

Glenn Becker

On 1 Oct 2001, Jeff Zucker wrote:

> Vittorio wrote:
> >
> > I'm using perl and the DBI stuff to deal with Oracle databases on a LAN.
> >
> > Now, I need to extract data from XML docs and put them in the databases.
> DBD::AnyData may do what you want.  It allows you to import XML files
> into an in-memory database and you can easily insert them into any other
> database from there.
> > I've read the book "Learning XML" by Erik T.Ray where XSLT, XPATH and
> > XPOINTER are discussed and explained and had a look at CPAN site to
> > find out more on the subject (XML stuff, expat, etc).
> You'd be better off asking about XML on an XML or general perl
> list/newsgroup.

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