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euro symbol and debian sid

hello all

this really drives me crazy...
I cant figure out how to get full euro support in X and console. I am already 
using -15 fonts and locale.gen is set to "de_DE@euro ISO-8859-15".
if I "export $LANG=de_DE.ISO-8859-15" in xterm and start kword from there I 
have the euro but not when I start from K-Menu. I tried to set that variable 
in /etc/profile (also .profile, .xinitrc) to have it systemwide but doesnt 
help, I am stuck with that. 
Another story is xterm and console I am currently totally unable to 
view/write the EURO.
Its totally annoying, currently I really need the EURO sign. 

Is anybody having the same problems or am I alone with that ?
thanks all!

tim from germany

/my deepest sympathy and condulence fo the US


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