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Re: want to install potato

> I'd suggest downloading the potato iso images from cdimage.debian.org
> or from www.linuxiso.org.  You'll need the 3 binary CDs, and since
> you're not in the US, make sure that you get the binary-1-NONUS.iso
> instead of the normal binary-1.iso.

this is overkill (i am assuming Christian has a german provider with
the ridiculous charges we have in germany). i suggest downloading the
three boot disk images (flavour compact so scsi works), and booting
from them. previously i have had troubles getting the network to work
with them, but i could manually insert the appropriate ethernet module
on tty2, then it worked. so if you tell me what network card you have,
i will send you the module you need with instructions on how to insert

the boot disks will then proceed to download only the packages you
wish to install, not the entire three disks, which i never need...

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; net@madduck
"non sposarti. trova una donna che odi e comprale una casa."

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