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Re: lm_sensors with 2.4.9

Julio Merino <juli@merino.net> writes:
JM> I want to compile lm_sensors. I'm using kernel 2.4.9 on woody.
JM> I've got my kernel and disable its i2c and bttv support. Why? Oh, they
JM> say that i2c is needed to be updated, and I guess that bttv should also
JM> be updated...
JM> So, I've got the i2c package and I'm going to compile it (the kernel is
JM> being compiled now...). I'll compile then lm_sensors plus videodevX plus
JM> bttv2, all outside the kernel. I hope this will work... I'm wrong?

If you're using kernel-package, external modules are reasonably well
supported; you need to unpack tarballs in /usr/src/modules and run
'make-kpkg modules-image', generally.  i2c and lm-sensors, among other
things, are both included in Debian unstable (and testing) in the
i2c-source and lm-sensors-source packages, respectively.  They've
worked reasonably well for me, at least.

David Maze         dmaze@debian.org      http://people.debian.org/~dmaze/
(Thesed and employed now, so hopefully finding time to do more useful
  lm-sensors maintenance)

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