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dpkg-scanpackages on an official mirror

hi, we operate a full debian mirror and need to redo the Packages
every now and then, if last night's rsync did not complete all the
way. but i am confused, and trying to recreate every Packages file
results in many "duplicate" errors such as

! Package pcmcia-source (filename ./debian/dists/Debian2.2r3/main/
  binary-all/admin/pcmcia-source_3.1.22-0.1potato.deb) is repeat;
  ignored that one and using data from ./debian/dists/Debian2.2r3/
  main/binary-all/admin/pcmcia-source_3.1.22-0.2potato.deb !

does anyone have a script as to how Packages files are updated if you
have a full Debian package tree?

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; net@madduck
weekend, where are you?

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