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Re: give me "fish" & you feed me for a day..teach me 2 fish & u feed me 4ver!

  subject, good subject is the key to good answers...

jdls@gmx.net wrote:
> 1. is there a resource out there somewhere that can clearly explain "ld" and
> "ld" related problems and how to fix them? I sometimes build from source and
> most of the time I get stuck with "ld" related problems and I have to bother
> a lot of people on how to resolve it instead of resolving it myself...
> it's like the saying "give them fish and you feed them for a day...teach
> them to fish and you feed them forever!"

  don't know where is good info on ld...

> 2. to the next question, this is the latest thing I am trying to compile

  look for the error message, or any message, you've got complain about
-lperl, library not found. that means that library with name libperl.so*
was not found, now go to www.debian.org, go to packages (left side menu)
and use the last form to search for this file - it will tell you in
which package it is, you install the package and that's it.


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