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Installing Perl 5.6.1

Debian ships with Perl 5.005.  But there are more recent versions of Perl
and Debian lists two versions of Perl 5.6.1, "testing" and "unstable".

5.6.1 has been out quite a while and Perl.com lists 5.6.1 as "stable". What
about it is not considered "stable" for use on Debian?  Or is the "unstable"
label just some kind of formality?

Is there a way to install 5.6.1 without wiping out 5.005?  In other words,
can I have both versions running on my machine, allowing the scripts to
determine which version of Perl to use?  Please keep in mind I'm a total
Linux newbie and barely know how to use apt-get.

Thanks for your help.

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