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Re: ATA 100 module

Sebastiaan wrote:

Hi everybody
I tried to install debian potato on my new A7V133.
My Harddisk is connected to the Promise ATA 100 and should be /dev/hde.


What documentation would anyone recommend to be clear on the files and procedures described above. I am a very experienced programmer who has never written a program for a *nix system.

I really don't even know what and where the best documentation on my potato system is. I have read the complete Installing Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 For Intel x86 and many other doc's I have found at LDP and other places.

I do not know if there is any information available for it. The path I
described above is just a creative one.

Thank you for all of these answers.

I didn't mean to be that specific. I am searching for knowledge to apply to my LT WinModem problem.

I think it is wise to read some
kernel documentation (Kernel-HOWTO).

I have that and I will read it again. It's rpm oriented so I didn't read it deeply enough.

Documentation is in /usr/share/doc
and in /usr/doc.

I've begun there but I wasn't sure where to start.  I will attack it again.

But if you already have a system installed, it is even simpler: just build
a new 2.4 kernel and reboot. There is no need to reinstall the entire

I don't think I know enough to do that safely yet. I hope to have that confidence very soon with all the help I am getting here and what I am reading and daring to try.

Thanks again,


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