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Re: esound

On Sun, 29 Jul 2001, Mart van de Wege wrote:

MvdW> Well I don't know where I heard it first, but there *is* a rumour that esd
MvdW> is about to be orphaned, or at least decoupled from gnome. For me, I'd
MvdW> like that because it is way too temperamental, OTOH, the alternative seems
MvdW> to be arts (bloated).
MvdW> So, I'm stumped, like you. I hope someone makes a decision soon, because
MvdW> I'd sure like to have my sound without problems.

if i remember right, esd uses some kind of authorization or whatever, look if
you have .esd_auth file in your home dir, and try to copy it over to the other
users dir ..

i sure wish that they continue development of esd, since i have spent the time
on tf mud sound support that utilizes it, and now i'm waiting for the esd guys
to add more features to the daemon ;)


                                   ' '(>~<)' '
    Petr [Dingo] Dvorak                                 dingo@pdragon.org
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