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Re: Netscape setup

On 01 Jul 2001 11:59:20 -0500, Larry W. Irwin Sr. wrote:
>   I just installed Debian potato and want to use Netscape. I went to the Debian
>  website and found two .deb packages
Hm, this sounds as if you downloaded the debs per hand and installed
them with dpkg -i. Is there some special reason why you didn't do it
with apt-get or dselect? If there's none, I suggest you look at
http://www.debian.org/doc/FAQ/ch-pkg_basics.html (Section 6 of the
debian FAQ) plus the following sections 8 and 9. 

> netscape-base-476_4.76-1.deb and 
> netscape-base4_4.76-1.deb. These packages installed properly but I don't
> know what to do with them

I suggest to use dselect to install, since it will recommend packages
you may like to have when you have netscape. Make sure to read the help
screen for dselect, especially the key bindings, they are rather odd.
Just search for netscape (with /netscape and \ to repeat the search),
until you find package netscape-smotif-476. Select it, and dselect will
tell you what else you need (and select it by itself) and what it

The packages you chose are the right ones, but they don't suffice. This
happens when you install "by hand" (dpkg -i). Try dselect as described
or 'apt-get install netscape-smotif-476'. apt-get will install all
_needed_ packages, but no recommends.

A very good resource if you need to know something (especially
dependencies) about particular packages is http://packages.debian.org/
(or a mirror)

If you have it installed properly, an icon for netscape should be in
your debian menus of your favorite window manager; netscape& in a xterm
works, too.

Having said all that, I think netscape is a bad choice by now, if you
have a not too old PC. Mozilla has reached 0.9.2 and works better than
netscape. Get the tar.gz (don't be afraid, it's already compiled and
really easy) at http://www.mozilla.org/ and follow instructions
(important!). Install it in a place that the debian package management
won't touch, like your home dir, /opt or /usr/local. 

I don't know if someone has made mozilla debs for potato. Ximian
(http://www.ximian.com) has made them for their Gnome distribution, but
I don't know what they depend on. It may be that you end up pulling
significant parts of Ximian Gnome. That's no Bad Thing, but you must
keep in mind that debian and Ximian Gnome-debs don't mix well.

Best way to go is probably the Mozilla-provided tar.gz, unless you want
Ximian Gnome anyway  


I did not vote for the Austrian government

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