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Re: Why is setting up X so arcane?

On Thu, Jun 28, 2001 at 04:36:36PM -0400, David L. Craig wrote:
| I wrote:
| > D-Man wrote:
| > 
| > > The real question is "has he admined Unix?".  I use Solaris (Sparc) at
| > > school, but I am a mere user, not the admin.  I use and admin Linux
| > > (x86) at home.
| > 
| > Well, installing ANY operating system IS an admin function.
| Probably a tad too cryptic...  What I was trying to get across,

I think you are quite right here.  Most computer users never install
an OS.  MS Windows is preinstalled on every new x86 I've seen in a
store, and AFAIK MacOS comes on new Macs.  The only machines that
don't come with an OS are homemade ones (mine :-)) or old junkers at a
used computer shop.

| quite ineffectively, was that anyone using (or trying) Debian

Not necessarily.  I admin my system, sure, but my family doesn't.
They only use it (ok, not yet, I just got woody and X going and
created logins yesterday.  Now I need to tell them and give the basics
on how to start using Unix (GNOME).).  That was the point I was
making.  Also that I _use_ Solaris at school, so I have "used Unix
since xx" (not that long ago, just since '98), but admin-ing is a
different thing.

Nikki has already replied to say that he has admined some systems, but
is unfamiliar with X.

| But after trying to make this clear, I concede it is horribly
| convoluted, and I plead guilty of taking an indefensible
| position.  Now where's my ceremonial sword?...

Naw, it is just a minor difference in the definition of "used" and
"administered" :-).


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