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Re: linux & Pacbell DSL (CA only)

> My question is this; Does she have to use the CDrom that comes with the
> PacBell kit or can we use pure debian for the VERY FIRST LOGIN? If so, how
> shall we go about it? Seems like it would be really neat if we can do this M$
> free.

I have the PACBELL DSL myself. I've not had to use the CD ever. PACBELL
gives out static IP addresses. (I personally have the business account
with 5 IPs.)

All she needs to do is use the normal ifconfig and route commands to
configure the box. Once that's done she just needs to set it up to do that

(She's lucky she doesn't have @home since then she needs to use dhclient
or pump to initially configure the set up and then after that she can
staticly assign the IP since @home doesn't expire the assigned IP. I've
had the same @home IP address for the last 7 months.)

> Thanks all

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