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Re: ~/.Xmodmap (was: Customizing the console key map?)


Sorry to intrude, but I have a question that's somewhat related to
this thread.  You just mentioned your .Xmodmap file that you've been
using for X.  What keyboard are you using?  I have a PC-104 kbd, and
I have been trying to bind the windoze and menu keys to be Mod3 and
Mod4 modifiers, respectively.  The intended end result is to use them
with bbkeys to control the behaviour of the blackbox wm.

My attempts thus far have failed miserably (I think) as the menu key
still generates:
whenever it is pressed in an xterm.  Doesn't seem much like Mod4 to
me.  My non-working ~/.Xmodmap looks as follows:

keycode 117 = Menu
keycode 115 = Meta_L
keycode 116 = Meta_R
add Mod3 = Meta_L
add Mod3 = Meta_R
add Mod4 = Menu

I'm not really sure (obv) what I'm doing here, but I'm trying to
follow some examples of rebinding CTRL and CAPSLOCK that others have
done.  I got the keycode values from xev, as well as the "keysym"
values that X uses for the keys (ie Meta_L).

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance,
Mike Pfleger

There's seventy brilliant people on earth.
Where are they hiding?
"Yashar" -Cabaret Voltaire (off of "2x45")

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