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Re: logitech mouseManPlus and fourth button: how to make it work?

stimpy@totalise.co.uk wrote:
> On (15/05/01 21:46), Erik Steffl wrote:
> >   is there any way to get the fourth button (on the side of the logitech
> > mouseMan with wheel) working? It does not work at all - not even with
> > xev.
> I had a similar problem getting my new-fangled optical wheel mouse to
> work (it has two extra buttons on the sides). The solution, in my
> case, was the ExplorerPS/2 protocol and swapping the buttons round

  still no reaction to sidebutton (when using xev). what settings do you
use in XF86Config?

> with xmodmap when starting X. Anyway, there are instructions for
> getting the wheel and extra buttons to work for various mice at the
> following web page:-
> http://www-sop.inria.fr/koala/colas/mouse-wheel-scroll/

  that's were I started, I also read README.mouse that comes with
xfree86 which says:

MouseMan+ has two buttons on top, one side button and a roller. 
has two buttons and a roller.  The roller movement is recognized as the
axis motion.  The roller also acts as the third button.  The side button
recognized as the fourth button.

  it does not work though (tried it with xev, no events are generated by
fourth button (when z axis is mapped to buttons 3 and 4, it might be a
problem because it say sidebutton is 4)),

  however when I set the wheel buttons to 5 and 6 (unlike usual 4 and 5)
I get the very funny behaviour: whenever I get event from button 5 (when
rotating wheel forward) I get the button 4 event, even if I don't click
button 4 (which I thought might be button 4), look at the relevant parts
of xev output:

turn wheel (button 5), then hit button 3 (I would expect two event from
5, two from 3 but there is one event from button 4 inbetween):

ButtonPress event, serial 18, synthetic NO, window 0xa00001,
    root 0x32, subw 0x0, time 2752043250, (76,134), root:(581,158),
    state 0x800, button 5, same_screen YES

ButtonRelease event, serial 18, synthetic NO, window 0xa00001,
    root 0x32, subw 0x0, time 2752043250, (76,134), root:(581,158),
    state 0x1800, button 5, same_screen YES

ButtonPress event, serial 18, synthetic NO, window 0xa00001,
    root 0x32, subw 0x0, time 2752048373, (76,134), root:(581,158),
    state 0x800, button 3, same_screen YES

ButtonRelease event, serial 18, synthetic NO, window 0xa00001,
    root 0x32, subw 0x0, time 2752048373, (76,134), root:(581,158),
    state 0xc00, button 4, same_screen YES

ButtonRelease event, serial 18, synthetic NO, window 0xa00001,
    root 0x32, subw 0x0, time 2752048554, (76,134), root:(581,158),
    state 0x400, button 3, same_screen YES

turn wheel (button 5), then press side button (button 4):

ButtonPress event, serial 23, synthetic NO, window 0xa00001,
    root 0x32, subw 0x0, time 2752170858, (50,174), root:(555,198),
    state 0x800, button 5, same_screen YES

ButtonRelease event, serial 23, synthetic NO, window 0xa00001,
    root 0x32, subw 0x0, time 2752170858, (50,174), root:(555,198),
    state 0x1800, button 5, same_screen YES

ButtonRelease event, serial 23, synthetic NO, window 0xa00001,
    root 0x32, subw 0x0, time 2752173334, (50,174), root:(555,198),
    state 0x800, button 4, same_screen YES

  I use:

  debian unstable
  kernel 2.4.3
  xfree86 4.0.3
  cordless mouseManWheel (by logitech)

  here's the relavant part of XF86Config:

Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier      "Logitech"
        Driver          "mouse"
        Option          "CorePointer"
        Option          "Protocol"      "ExplorerPS/2"
        Option          "Device"                "/dev/psaux"
        Option          "Emulate3Buttons"       "false"
        Option          "Buttons"               "6"
        Option          "ZAxisMapping"          "5 6"

  when I set Protocol to IMPS/2, there is no 'button 4' extra event,
other than that it works exactly the same (buttons are 1 - 3, wheel
generates 5 and 6)

  anybody has more insight into mouse mysteries of X?



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